Cuil - Is the World's Biggest Search Engine?Sat, 02 Aug 2008 08:01:27 PDT
Recently there had been news that is the world's biggest search engine..WTF!Bigger than tht so..comment guys
Lott, Scruggs, and the National Flood Insurance ProgramSat, 02 Aug 2008 12:39:40 PDT
I'm not sure why I'm so fascinated with this, but it seems that very couple of months a new revelation comes out in the Dickie Scruggs/Trent Lott saga, and Thursday provided another installment. The Thorn Papers, a blog out of Mississippi, points to this news story: While I have no sympathy whatsoever for State Farm, nor any other insurance company that sought to deny Katrina claims over semantics (i.e., if Category 5 force hurricane winds lift up the goddamn Gulf and slam it into your house,
'Is Virginia Losing Its Mojo?'Fri, 01 Aug 2008 19:19:32 PDT
The Old Dominion still rates as Forbes Magazine's "Best State for Business" ... but just barely. Key trends are running negative.
Hot World Trends: Great Demand For Rat People in PakistanSat, 02 Aug 2008 12:12:58 PDT
Meet Nadia, 25, one of hundreds of young microcephaias -- people born with small skulls and protruding noses and ears because of a genetic mutation. So-called rat people can be found on the streets of Gujrat, in Central Punjab province.
Antilles to appeal against court ruling on same-sex couplesTue, 22 Jul 2008 07:33:05 PDT
Concern for AIDS experts detained in Iran Two brothers who are pioneers in the prevention of HIV transmission in Iran have been held by the authorities without charge for nearly a month. Campaigning MEP delighted at US vote to remove HIV+ travel ban A Liberal Democrat politician who led a campaign for the abolition of a ban on HIV+ travellers to the US has said she is "delighted" that the Senate has voted to end the current restrictions. Iris Robinson's homophobia encourages
Skydial: a new strategy in the game of phone tagSat, 02 Aug 2008 09:32:01 PDT
Cowards can rejoice. Mobile phone callers, thanks to Skydial, a new technology, can have a call go directly to voice mail with no risk of the phone being answered, making the break-up call or doctor reporting bad news easier to do than ordering a pizza.
Pullback - StocksSat, 02 Aug 2008 12:09:39 PDT
A pullback in stocks is a drop in price after there is an impulsive move up. Traders use a pullback as an opportunity to to initiate a new position. It is said on Wall Street that a trader that buys at the top is a sucker. A much safer method of jumping onboard a trend is to wait for a pullback to the breakout level or support line.
Doc’s Sports the Newest Sponsor of ChiefsGabSat, 02 Aug 2008 12:38:46 PDT
Welcome our newest sponsor. Doc’s Sports Service Get your copy of Doc’s Sports Journal right in time for the new football season. Their 2008/09 Sports Journal is a 120-page football schedule that includes every NCAA Football and Pro Football game from preseason in the beginning of August through the Super Bowl. Their publication also includes: * Exclusive information and articles * College and NFL Team Information * College and NFL Statistics * Odds, Trends, Historica
The latest trends in bathroom remodeling (The Times of Northwest Indiana)Fri, 01 Aug 2008 22:54:01 PDT
Tell me if you've had this problem before: You're enjoying your shower, someone in the house flushes a toilet, and all of a sudden it turns from heaven into Hades.
World News-World InfomationFri, 22 Jun 2007 10:11:04 PDT
World News-World Infomation-Business,News_Society,Home_Family,Food,Drink,Health,Fitness,Finance,Computers,Technology,Arts,Entertainment,Communications,Women's_Interests, lawyers
INTERFAX - Hungary news report of 01.08.2008 (Girodivite)Sat, 02 Aug 2008 11:48:07 PDT
Updated news from Hungary Saturday 2 August 2008, by Emanuele G. - 0 letture Girodivite - Segnali dalle città invisibili è on-line dal 1994. Quotidiano telematico e cartaceo, registrazione presso il tribunale di Catania n.13/2004 del 14/05/2004. Redazione: via Antonino di Sangiuliano 147 - 95131 Catania.
Day Trading StylesSat, 02 Aug 2008 12:21:33 PDT
There are a number of day trading styles that make money in the market. This article provides an overview of multiple day trading strategies that professionals use to make money on a consistent basis. This article will contain the pros and cons of the following day trading styles: (1) breakouts, (2) scalp trading, (3) counters, and (4) trend foll
Joker role could win posthumous Oscar for Brokeback starThu, 17 Jul 2008 04:14:40 PDT
Bourne Free to party come rain or shine Cloudy skies did not keep supporters away from Bournemouth's fifth annual Bourne Free Pride Festival. More than 4,000 people took part over last weekend. opinionuk-newsworld-newspoliticslawhealthfinanceentertainment COMMENT: Is Hillary setting her sights on 2012? Remaining true to her image as a tenacious fighter, Senator Hillary Clinton has dusted herself off after the bruising 2008 Democratic primary race against Barack Obama. Other posts in
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